Visiting Pohjolankatu 18-20

On September 7th 2017 the Finnish team visited Pohjolankatu 18-20, a building in the same district as our school, which is now probably the greenest in Tampere. The building was renovated within the EU-funded EU-GUGLE -project.

The gem in the building is a thermal heating system, which feeds all excess heat into the city’s network. The company is thus able to “sell” energy  back to the city. The improvements, which also include solar panels and a device which controls the tapwater pressure have led to significant savings – both monetary and of nature’s resources.

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Inspired by this project, we started a cooperation with the tamperese consultancy Ecobuddies. In the coming days and weeks we will map out the energy-efficiency and carbon footprint of our school. Perhaps we can find ways of improvement!

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